July 1, 2012

Gettin' growin'

I enjoyed crispy, crunchy, snappy, sweet, Summer carrots today ;-) so much better than the flavorless, cardboard carrots from the store. These little cuties didn't even make it out of the garden...ooopsie!

Things are finally starting to grow...

Corn is definately not going to be knee high by the 4th of July :-(

Broccoli row was removed today, as the side shoots were starting to flower. The row was amended with a new layer of compost and replanted with carrots for a fall harvest

Garlic will be ready soon... and another succession planting of green beans and wax beans were planted  between the garlic rows.
The bushes are loaded with green berries....Looks like the Raspberries have thoroughly enjoyed all the rain. We will be waiting with anticipation for them to ripen. I think I see jam making in my future ;-)
Herbs: over 2 lbs. of oregano was harvested and dried.

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