May 11, 2010

May Days

Wow... time sure flies when you are living life! I can not believe that April has come and gone and we are sailing our way... quickly through May.

We will try and keep a better update here on the blog as to whats happening around here.

Here is just a little of what we have been up to...

At Home:

New fencing panels had to be made for the chickens since the addition of our new 6-pack of chicks arrived. We now have happy hens indeed ;-)

The usual yard work, thatching and weekly mowing had to be done.

In The garden:

Garden has been turned,beds have been cleaned and amended.

The Garlic is up and standing tall. New Rhubarb plant is in.

The Peas, Onions, Radishes, Lettuce and Spinach have all come up and are doing very well. Potatoes and carrots are in, the Broccoli and Cabbage starts have been hardened off and all other starts are happily awaiting the weather to turn warmer so they may go in the garden.

Tomato starts have gone rogue! Winter blues and over eagerness encouraged me to plant my tomato starts way to early....I learned my lesson! They need to be in the garden A.S.A.P.

We finished a cold frame last night after work so the tomatoes will be getting kicked out of the house as soon as we get the chance to play in the garden this week.

The sun has peeked out, Flowers are blooming and inspires my soul to get out in the dirt and bad the Dandy's are inspired too ;-( Tis' the season of weedin'

At the Shop:

I have been busy making many batches of soaps,

junkin' and thrifting, and getting ready for the Farm Chicks show that is (((GASP))) less than a month away.

I have also been working with a local printer on a new label design for our lip balms that will be smudge and smear proof. As always it takes more time than anticipated to work all the kinks and adjustments out.

The Family:

Boys are doing fantastic and have maintained good grades, Honor Roll and have kept us on the go with Soccer Practices, Games, and Band performances. I thought life would get easier as they got older...Boy was I wrong ;-)

Troy has been making some changes on the work front to benefit the Home front...

We will keep are fingers crossed and see just what this big old world has in store for us.

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