Wow what a time we had right before the show... Our youngest son broke his wrist 2 weeks ago and Dr's decided two days before the show that he needed surgery on it asap. Needless to say it has been pretty crazy around the Cedar House these past few days.

We managed to pull our act together and get set up for the show by the skin of our teeth (where did that saying come from anyway???)

The Junk Salvation Girls were more than darling and it was a pleasure to be a part of their show.
Upon entering the show you were greeted by adorable dolled up vintage trailers...(honey if you happen to read this....I have added one of these to my Christmas wish list)

and the show was chalked full of the most amazing vendors and their wares.

Cute as a button, Jennifer from Unexpected necessities and her Mom Kathy always have a Super cute booth. Check out this "hot momma"leg....too funny!

My booth was located next to the Sweet Frostings & Blissful Baking booth owned by Judy Rozier

who is opening a new store on the corner of 1st. and Washington in downtown Spokane.

Tough decisions...what to choose...Salted Carmel or Lemon Huckleberry??? Troy and I chose one of each and shared. Although both were delicious, I am in L-O-V-E with the salted Carmel.

O.K. How can you go wrong with a cupcake? Any cupcake is a good cupcake in my book and it's a good thing I do not live closer to Spokane ;-)
if you get the chance... STOP in at their new store and do some cupcake lovin' of your own!
In a booth across from me was a cousin that I have only met once before...It was a pleasure meeting SWEET Tiffany and her BEAUTIFUL Aunt Gail again.
Tiffany's business is the Pink House mine the Cedar House ...must be a family thing ;-)do you suppose?
Adorable booth! It was great to meet you and your cute hubby! We are looking forward to seeing you at the Mad Hatter Vintage Flea Market!
xo Glad & Cel
It is always a pleasure to see you. Love my pretty pink sewing tote.
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