Yesterday was beautiful...sun shining, snow melting, dreaming to be out in the garden kind of day!
As you can see, I still have plenty of snow...
Although I can not work in the garden, I have had spinach and lettuce growing along quite nicely in the cold frames all winter. I have been checking in periodically to watch the growth habits through the freezing temperatures.
(This picture was taken January 3rd. so they were even bigger than this )
As of Thursday, they were beautiful, green, and full of promise!
Everything looked good... However, I did notice holes in the dirt around the plants.
"Dummy Me" thought the holes may have been from night crawlers as the soil was warming up this week.....
I went out the next day to open the cold frames and to make sure they were not overheating.
When I opened the lids, I could not believe my eyes......
I had been robbed!
Every last Lettuce or Spinach start was gone, vanished, without a trace, over night!
Just those DARN holes!!!
What did they mean? Who could have done such a horrible thing? Who would commit such Blasphemy!
I am not happy!
I inspected on my hands and knees....nothing!
Ran my hands through the soil to feel for tunnels....nothing!
Did my best detective work....Took pictures...and pouted!
Called a gardener friend for advise! We were thinking cut worms, bugs, maybe mice...but not quite sure!
After uploading pictures for the blog...
I got the answer to all my problems..Proof was in the pictures...
Regular, everyday, run of the mill, bonafied MOUSE POOP!
I couldn't see out in the dirt, on my hands and knees, in it's camouflage state, but the macro zoom of my camera sure caught it!
I find some relief in to knowing, who exactly the enemy is!
I am assuming this is where security was breached and point of entry was made...
This means......WAR!
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