It's a few days after the show and I think I am just now finally coming down from my Farm Chick high. I spend the first day after the show walking around in a dazed comatose state of mind similar to a hang over....
That's when you know it was a pretty good show!!!
I love being part of the show and can not help but be in awe of all the incredible, creative vendors that all come together under one big top.
As vendors we get a chance to see all the awesomeness before it fills up with a sea of shoppers...
a downside to this is that I am normally exhausted from the amount of energy it takes to get the trailer loaded and to the show, get a good parking spot for unloading, and then kickin' it in to overdrive to unload everything and get my booth set up.
I Strapped on my Super Mom cape and Raced back home to catch the last Soccer game of the season at 8:00 p.m., not getting home until late and turning around and driving right back into Spokane first thing in the morning.
Running on fumes and hoping that when customers stop in for a visit I can make some sort of a comprehendable conversation the rest of the weekend.
I rarely get a chance to get around and see every booth, register it and take it all in before the Show opens.
One thing is for sure...Farm Chicks is a creative sensory overload!!! Farm Chicks really "Bring it"
Two words......BOOTH ENVY
It happens every year....How could it not? there is some pretty spectacular displays...My chin still hurts from hitting the concrete floor ;-)
What I love most about the show is the lasting friendships I have made with other vendors....Some I only see once a year at this show and The shoppers who continue to support and show us the LOVE so we can do what we do...You are A~MAZE~ZING!
A sincere 'Thank You" to all who stopped in our booth this past weekend!!! We couldn't do it without you!

(swimming in a Sea of shoppers)

(I am Thankful to have Troy by my side through it all)

(it's a wrap...after tear down)

(Troy & I still smilin' even after the show)

(Show is over and trailer is lighter)
Can not wait till next year!!!
So good to see you and Troy once again. I always tell people that I have the best, sweetest neighbors at Farm Chicks. I just love seeing your smiling faces. See you again next year! It will be here before we know it.
Loved your booth! So wished we could have chatted at bit, but it's insanity at its best at Farm Chicks!!
XO Glad & Celia
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