As a soapmaker I know that SOAP is pretty cool! Looks like the folks at Real Simple know just how cool soap is too!
This article from Real Simple's May issue was brought in by a customer looking for citronella soap. It was her lucky day...I happened to have just made a fresh batch and she was the happy recipient of all the fresh shavings I had just trimmed from the bars.
Here are 8 New tips for using SOAP from Real Simple
1. Pretty Pincushion Stick needles and pins in a wrapped bar of soap. The soap's oils make the pointy ends glide through the fabric sew easy.
2. Deodorant Substitute In a pinch, swab under arms with a dry bar of (whichever one is handy) to fight that not so fresh feeling.
3. Car Freshener Tuck a cake of scented soap in your car-door compartment for a subtle aroma that is superior to any cardboard pine tree.
4. Insect Repellent Put a few unwrapped bars of Rosemary, lemongrass, or Citronella soap on a picnic table and unwanted flying guests will bug off.
5. Mirror Marker Keep your love notes clean; Scribble on a mirror with a bar of soap. It is cheaper than lipstick and wipes off more easily.
6. Stain Remover Pre treat grass and dirt stains with a few gentle swipes of a dry bar ( any kind will do).
7. Itch Reliever Can't stop scratching that mosquito bite? Rub it with a bar of oatmeal or aloe soap to quell the urge.
8. Hem guide When you're fresh out of tailor's chalk, use a bar of soap to mark a new hem on your fashion masterpiece.
Do you have any tips or tricks for using soap??? Share them here...I would love to hear about it!
1 comment:
thanks for sharing... I need to order soon!
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